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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

  • Let's honor our mother tongue! Bilingual (Spanish_English) creative writing workshop led by Yannis Lobaina.
    Celebrating Hispanic-Latin American Heritage Month in OCTOBER. Through a bilingual (Spanish_English) creative writing workshop led by Yannis Lobaina.
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Let's honor our mother tongue!Bilingual (Spanish_English) creative writing workshop (6-12 Yrs Old)


Intercultural Interdisciplinary Kids Visual arts Writing & literature
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Toronto, ON

Directions: REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY, The workshop will be vía zoom . Thanks. Gracias.


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in Spanish, English, and Spanglish.

Offers audio description.


Celebrating Hispanic-Latin American Heritage Month in OCTOBER.Through a bilingual (Spanish_English) creative writing workshop (6-12 Yrs Old) led by Yannis Lobaina.

Award-winning Writer, emerging filmmaker and photographer Yannis Lobaina will be leading us through bilingual (Spanish_English) creative writing exercises and mixed media collages to explore our heritage by using and honouring our mother tongue.

During this 1 hour of virtual creative writing workshop, we’ll explore how we can honour our Latin-Hispanic heritage while also living in between cultures, peoples, and places as part of a multilingual city.

This Creative writing workshop is designed for everyone:Latin-Hispanics and other communities who will love to share it and learn Spanish.

Lobaina will offer us the opportunity to explore personal narratives through writing, memoir writing, and mixed media. In addition, She will provide us with a list of resources to motivate our children to reclaim and maintain their mother tongue.

Celebrating Hispanic-Latin American Heritage Month in OCTOBER will be A day to remind, remember and honour our mother language and beautiful heritage.

Get prepared for having fun! Let your imagination run wild in this collaborative and creative writing workshop.

What you will need:




4.Pencil crayons

5.Maps of your families country or your favourite place there.

6.Old magazines, Newspapers or any flyers with people, animals, places, and objects.

7. Glue

8.Most important is willing to have fun!

Share images from your stories or opinions about these workshop

by using the hashtag #YannisLobainaCreativeworkshop

Thanks, Gracias, and Merci.

Instructor: Yannis Lobaina

Yannis is an Award-Winning Cuban artist based in Toronto.

She has more than twelve years of experience as a published author and creative visual storyteller. She completed Creative Facilitation Training with Partners for Youth Empowerment and Muse Arts.

Lobaina creates customized creative writing workshops for all ages – either virtual or in person. In her workshops, Lobaina promotes spontaneous writing using various enjoyable activities, including word games, story dice, photos, and character games, to generate story ideas.

Find out how to tell your own stories and honouring your Mother Tongue with artist Yannis Lobaina.



Yannis Lobaina

Yannis is an Award-Winning Cuban artist based in Toronto.

As a community artist, I am passionate to share my knowledge, language and art with the community. In 2016 I created my Bilingual (Spanish-English) creative writing and Storytelling workshops. I have carried out more than 100 activities in different places in Toronto. I seek to create initiatives that promote multiculturalism and literacy throughout Canada.

In my projects, I celebrate my culture, my ancestors and my heritage. That is something I do for the great honour of transmitting my cultural heritage to my daughter and the audience who cares to learn about us.

In my short stories, fiction and Nonfiction, I explore themes like my bicultural identity, motherhood, Language, memory, immigration, land and new home. As an ESL author, mother, and newcomer artist in Toronto. I believe in maintaining our mother Language to transmit family history and values.

Lobaina creates customized creative writing workshops for all ages – either virtual or in person. In her workshops, Lobaina promotes spontaneous writing using various enjoyable activities, including word games, story dice, photos, and character games, to generate story ideas.

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Embrace the Power of Mindful Photography and Nature Meditative Walk with Artist Yannis Lobaina

Yannis Lobaina,an award-winning Cuban artist, author, photographer, filmmaker.

Toronto, ON

Oct 5

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM