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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Interactive Exhibition: Lost & Found


Deaf & Disability arts History & heritage Intercultural Painting Sculpture & installation Visual arts
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Date and time


Richmond Cultural Centre, Atrium

7700 Minoru Gate

Richmond, BC



Offered in English and Mandarin.

Wheelchair accessible, has gender-neutral washrooms, and offers audio description.


An interactive mixed media art installation called “Lost & Found” will be exhibited to unfold the journey from being lost to finding oneself. Living in between diverse cultures, identities, and disabilities, the artist finds it not always easy to blend into a new city as a queer immigrant. Through this installation, the artist shares an artistic way of finding inner peace, confidence, and love from being disoriented in life. The intention of this installation is to show care, love, and courage through art. Instructions for the interactions with the installation will be shown on-site. Through the interactions, audiences will be encouraged to reflect on their own lived experiences.

The exhibition will be open from Oct 7th to Oct 12th daily, and will be unattended except for workshop days (Oct 7th and 8th). Everyone is welcome. No Registration Needed. Free Entrance. Didactics and information will be available in English and Mandarin as well as an audio description tour with ASL interpretation.

This event was made possible with local support from Richmond Cultural Centre.



Peisen Ding

Peisen Ding is a visual artist and an art educator living on the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. Peisen’s art practice often involves the exploration of urban relationships, such as relations with other individuals and built environments, through photography, painting, pottery, installation and/or whatever medium and form arise organically in the process. As a queer Chinese immigrant, it is also important for Peisen to discover what life brings when living with different identities and cultures, and how art can show care, love, and courage to others who have similar backgrounds. Peisen believes that art can not only help us see and empower ourselves but also has the responsibility to unfold what is happening and changing in society. This view has led Peisen to research education, diving deeper into what art can bring to the learning of ourselves and the world around us.

This event is part of a hub:

Richmond Cultural Centre & Public Library

City of Richmond Richmond, BC

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