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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.


Intercultural Kids Music Performance Singing
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Date and time


La Cité Francophone

Edmonton, AB

Directions: Concert is in the rotunda. Parking is available on the 2nd level of the lot or on the street.



Offered in French and English.

Wheelchair accessible and has gender-neutral washrooms.


Opus@12 Chamber Concert Society is presenting a free chamber music concert in the rotunda of La Cité Francophone. The players are all community musicians. The audience will around in a circle on both levels of the Cité and enjoy an informal concert while having lunch. Parents can bring their children and they are welcome to dance along while we play. We will have audience participation and also do a prize giveaway at the end of the concert. Its informal nature and variety of music makes it quite accessible to audiences. Almost every piece is performed by a different group so the music will be from different genres or cultures, on different instruments and even some rarely (if ever) played instruments in Edmonton may make an appearance. We are also a bilingual society and so we make sure our MCing and programs are always both in English and French. We also livestream our events for people who are unable to attend in person.



Opus@12 Chamber Concert Society / La Société des concerts de chambre Opus@12

The artistic goals of the society is to provide an opportunity and venue for local amateur musicians to perform (classical) chamber music, and to present chamber music to the community. Such opportunities are generally rare in Edmonton (or elsewhere) as the bulk of amateur groups in the city cater to fully-conducted large orchestras or wind bands. Opus@12 provides monthly/bi-monthly performance opportunities of a high calibre in the rotunda of La Cité Francophone at Friday noon hours. These are informal concerts that are presented in English and French and are streamed online. As well, Opus@12 strives to provide chamber music for the benefit of the community. It partners with local charities/groups to give fundraiser concerts where all proceeds go to the partner organization. Also, goodwill concerts are given at places such as seniors’ homes.


Rock Larochelle


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