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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

  • DJ BLKFT, photo courtesy of the artist.

AlterNATIVE Workshop w/ DJ BLKFT

Digital & new media Indigenous Library Music Performance
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Date and time


Indigenous Placemaking Space, New Central Library

Calgary, AB

Directions: Head up to the 4th floor at the New Central Library towards the Indigenous Placemaking Space.



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.


This free workshop is an introduction to #RezHouse, a new wave of Indigenous DJ’ing and electronic music. DJ BLKFT will be sharing with the public how he shapes, combines and creates a space where electronic and RezHouse music can be enjoyed by all. Come and learn from BLKFT as he teaches us how to experience electronic music in its most authentic form at the new Central Library. No registration required.


DJ BLKFT, is taking the city by storm. Fresh to the CJSW programming roster and leading the way with his self-dubbed #RezHouse, DJ BLKFT is delivering the bounce and the bangers to ears throughout Treaty 7 Territory and beyond. Founder of Drum Beat Productions, BLKFT is Niitsiitapi from Siksika First Nation, and with community growth being the nucleus of his vision, BLKFT is activating the population! He defines #RezHouse as a “reflection of the contemporary music you hear in everyday life mixed with indigenous artists’ electronic sounds”. Bringing people to their feet and bringing fairness to the forefront, catch DJ BLKFT spinning the most fire #RezHouse on any given day in Mohkhinstsiss (Calgary).


EMMEDIA Gallery & Production Society

EMMEDIA Gallery & Production Society is a non-profit artist-run organization that supports both the production and presentation of media arts. EMMEDIA responds to a broad community by offering affordable access to media art production tools and facilities, services, technical and educational support, an array of production programs and residencies, and a year round schedule of public exhibition programs including the PARTICLE + WAVE Media Arts Festival. Our programs strive to foster artistic dialogue and engagement through complementary activities such as artist talks and panel discussions, workshops and publications.
