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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Deep Cove Heritage Society

History & heritage Museum Photography
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Date and time


Deep Cove Cultural Centre

North Vancouver, BC



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible and has gender-neutral washrooms.


Come in and take a look at old Deep Cove. We have books and pictures of the way life used to be. Long time resident and the president of the society - Liz Bollmann - will be in the office to answer any of your questions.



Deep Cove Heritage Society

The Deep Cove Heritage Society was founded in 1985 by a group of dedicated volunteers. The DCHS acquires, preserves and displays the collective memories of our community’s history through photographs, documents and transcripts and tapes/videos of interviews with local pioneers. It is a place to discover the local history and to preserve the memories of the residents and businesses in the area East of the Seymour River in North Vancouver, BC.
