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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

A Taste of Ethiopia with Zebiba Sultan of the New Canadians Centre


Culinary & food Intercultural
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Date and time


Peterborough, ON



Offered in English.


Food Brings People Together! And Ethiopians know this all too well!

Join Zebiba for a tutorial on making the famous Ethiopian fermented flatbread, Injera and share a tray with family and guests!

How does a cup (or 3) or coffee sound after a meal?

For Ethiopians, serving coffee is an intricate ceremony!

Run-time: 4 minutes 36 seconds

*Originally released on July 1 during the New Canadians Centre's Virtual Canada Day Celebration - #PTBOIsMyHome



New Canadians Centre Peterborough

Founded in 1979, The New Canadians Centre Peterborough (NCC) is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to supporting immigrants, refugees and other newcomers in the Peterborough and Northumberland regions. We strive to empower immigrants and refugees to become full and equal members of Canadian society, and to provide community leadership to ensure cultural integration in a welcoming community. Each Canada Day, we host the Multicultural Canada Day Festival to celebrate diversity, inclusion, and multiculturalism in our community and in Canada. This year, due to COVID-19, our festival was hosted virtually with a selection of distanced activities.


This event is part of a hub:

New Canadians Centre's Family Time

New Canadians Centre Peterborough Peterborough, ON

Each year on July 1 the New Canadians Centre host the Multicultural Canada Day Festival bringing our community together for a celebration of our country’s birthday and the multiculturalism that is core to our national identity. This year, w...