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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Plantation Bugnet

Agriculture History & heritage Intercultural Nature & outdoors Writing & literature
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La Cité Francophone

Edmonton, AB



Offered in English and French.

Wheelchair accessible.


La Sociéte des Amis de la Plantation Bugnet/Friends of the Bugnet Plantation Society is a non-profit organization formed to preserve the legacy of Georges Bugnet, an Alberta pioneer, horticulturalist, and novelist.

The activities for this day would be bilingual talks given by knowledgeable volunteers, including a forester, an historian, a Bugnet Rose expert, and a literary historian. We will have a guest lecturer to give a talk on one of these topics. There will be examples of the trees, and roses and pine cones on display. We will be giving out greeting cards, and business card/ book marks and brochures with membership forms, depicting the roses and other resource images to people that are interested in any of the various aspects of the Plantation Bugnet. There will be an ongoing power point presentation of photos of the work that has been done so far on the preservation of this historical resource and the issues that require our attention.

It is free admission and there will be Refreshments!



La Société des Amis de la Plantation Bugnet/ Friends of the Bugnet Plantation Society

La Société des Amis de la Plantation Bugnet/ Friends of the Bugnet Plantation Society was formed to preserve and promote the Bugnet Plantation, a provincial historic resource. There are many aspects of maintaining and preserving the resource that are pursued throughout the year.

Georges Bugnet (1879-1981) was a French-Canadian pioneer, author, horticulturalist and journalist. In 1954, he bequeathed a portion of his homestead to the Province. This land has the resources of the Ladoga pine trees, various fruit trees and plants that have survived the neglect of 64 years. The hardy rose cultivars that he developed are sought after internationally. The interest that this society has garnered has come from a diverse number of disciplines: foresters, historians, rose enthusiasts, literary and cultural preservationists, and from foresters from Iceland.


Elaine Berglund


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