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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Britannia Through Two Films - The Art of Britannia & Silver Ann - Britannia's Last Wooden Gillnetter


Film & video History & heritage Museum Painting Visual arts
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Britannia Shipyards

Richmond, BC

Directions: In 2020 find us online.



Offered in English.

This activity venue is online.


Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site is an authentic representation of a once thriving intercultural community of canneries, boat yards, and residences.

This year, we draw on the theme of unexpected intersections by creating two videos about unusual aspects of the Britannia Shipyards site.

In The Art of Britannia, we use the art of Wan Li Zhang and Cathy Kluthe as a window to exploring the history of our outdoor industrial site.

In Silver Ann - Britannia's Last Wooden Gillnetter, we explore how the intersection of boat building traditions from diverse cultures led to the creation of the gillnetter the Silver Ann in 1969. The Silver Ann was the last wooden boat to be built at Britannia.

Find these videos online at or at and our Instagram TV channel from September 25 to October 25, 2020.


Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site

Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site is an authentic representation of a once thriving community of canneries, boat yards and residences. Due to COVID-19, we have limited buildings open with shortened hours. Check our website for most up to date information:
