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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival


Craft Kids Self-guided Storytelling Tour
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This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.


Downtown Meaford

12 Nelson Street East

Meaford, ON



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.


The Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival takes place in Meaford Ontario mid-September to mid-October. This is when "gangs" of Scarecrows (this year it's Pirate) invade the streets of Meaford! You will find them on Station Hill. hanging from lampposts in downtown Meaford and even on the steps of Meaford Hall! On Friday, September 29th there's a parade that celebrates the "Invasion" and afterwards there's the Scarecrow Invasion Family Festival at Meaford Harbour. There will be lots to see and do!



Scarecrow Invasion & Family Festival

We are a volunteer organization with a Board of Directors and is made up of co-chairs, a secretary, treasurer and several committee chairs. Closer the the event there are numerous volunteer helpers. Planning for the event takes place throughout the year.

The Meaford Scarecrow Invasion & Family Festival is a not-for-profit organization, completely volunteer driven community event, whose purpose is to foster tourism, economic development, and community spirit, by involving and including all residents, businesses and organizations in planning and implementing the event.


Christine Pompeo