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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

A Day of Education: Truth & Reconciliation


Fibre & textile arts History & heritage Indigenous Museum Nature & outdoors Truth and Reconciliation
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Date and time


RiverBrink Art Museum

116 Queenston St

Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON

Directions: We are located at the intersection of the Niagara Parkway and Queenston Street in the historic village of Queenston.


Free, and accepts optional pay-what-you-may donations for admission.

Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible and has gender-neutral washrooms.


Please join us for a meaningful day of education and skill-sharing in support of Truth and Reconciliation efforts. Jamie-Lynn Gillingham will lead participants through a variety of traditional ceremonies and teachings, while raising awareness of the intergenerational impact of the Residential School System.


11:00am- Land Acknowledgement & Cedar Tea and Cookies

12:00pm- Drumming & Smudging Ceremony with Teachings

1:00pm - Medicine Bundles with Teachings

2:00pm - Making Dream Catchers

3:00pm - Copper Pail Teachings

4:00pm - Closing - Travel song

* This program is FREE of charge. Please consider bringing a non-perishable item to support the Niagara Regional Native Centre Foodbank. Every Child Matters T-shirts will also be available for purchase.



RiverBrink Art Museum

RiverBrink is a collecting and exhibiting art museum open to the public since 1983. The museum’s exhibitions and educational offerings change regularly.

RiverBrink Art Museum:

​· Preserves and displays a collection of local, regional, national and international art which is unique in the Niagara Region

· Honours the collection and philanthropy of a remarkable Canadian, Samuel E. Weir

· Engages with current issues and contemporary art practice through lively exhibitions and lecture programs and hands-on workshops featuring established and emerging artists.