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Culture Days will return September 20 – October 13, 2024.

Photo Opportunity with Sir Isaac Brock


Drawing Painting Photography Tour
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This activity runs the duration of Culture Days.



Brockville, ON

Directions: Follow King St. to the Brockville Cenotaph at Court House Avenue. Turn north there (simply put, away from the River and uphill). The street leads to the Court House.



Offered in English.

Wheelchair accessible.


Many a tourist stops to snap a photo with Sir Isaac. General Sir Isaac Brock is famous for his role in the defence of Canada in the War of 1812. Brockville, originally named Elizabethtown, was named in his honour, although there is no record of when this actually took place. Also, although he undoubtedly sailed by Elizabethtown on his journey to the Niagara frontier, he never actually set foot in the city.

The bust was erected in 1912 by the local Gen. Brock Chapter, Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire. Among the speakers at the unveiling ceremony were Colonel Sir Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia and Defence, Hamilton MacCarthy, the sculptor, Charles W. MacLean, mayor of Brockville, Mrs. Albert E. Gooderham of Toronto, National President of the I.O.D.E., and Herbert Stone McDonald, judge and local historian.

So enjoy the chance to rub shoulders with the "Saviour of Upper Canada". If you are talented, or persistent, you may catch a shot with Brock and "Sally Grant" the figure of Lady Justice atop the Court House. She was jokingly named after a local dignitary, who, like Sally was unusually tall.



Brockville Culture Days

Brockville Culture Days is a community grassroots organization dedicated to promoting arts and culture year round. As much a networking and facilitation group it encourages the exploration and formation of linkages between artists in different milieu, disciplines and creative communities to explore the art of possibility.


This event is part of a hub:

Brockville Courthouse Avenue Hub

Brockville Culture Days Brockville, ON

Brockville's Court House Avenue may be the most impressive urban panoramic vista in all of Ontario. Add a splash of colour from the springtime tulip beds and the issue is settled. If you have an interest in Ontario history, architecture, or...