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Judy Robertson Community Engagement Award

BC Culture Days is honoured to announce the Judy Robertson Community Engagement Award

Call for proposals deadline: May 1st, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST.

SUBMIT your application and proposal here.

BC Culture Days invites Metro Vancouver artists, creatives, collectives, community groups, and arts and cultural organizations to submit a proposal for the chance to win the Judy Robertson Community Engagement Award. The winning proposal will receive $5,000 to apply towards organizing a community hub for Culture Days, which takes place from September 22 - Oct 15, 2023. The funds will go towards associated artist fees, production costs, honorariums, and marketing expenses.

This award was developed in memory of Judy Robertson, who passed away in 2021 after a brave battle with cancer. Judy was a shining force in Vancouver’s arts and culture community. Her dedication to her passions of arts and culture stood tall throughout her career. Her commitment as BC Culture Days Task Force Chair, a role which helped guide and strengthen the presence of Culture Days celebrations in B.C., was invaluable. Throughout her time, she championed the importance of public participation in arts and cultural activities. She nurtured cross-organizational connections, and built a strong network of peers and colleagues who supported local artists and creatives in interacting with their communities. In her honour, the Judy Robertson Community Engagement Award will help Metro Vancouver artists and organizations present participatory and publicly-engaged arts and culture programming to their audiences and neighbours.  

Culture Days is the largest collective public participation campaign undertaken by the arts and cultural community in Canada. Every year, thousands of events are connected under the celebratory banner of Culture Days—communities large and small are united from coast to coast to coast to increase public engagement in cultural experiences through free, participatory arts and culture events.

Culture Days Hubs promote increased public participation and engagement from audiences across specific regions. Culture Days hubs are collections of events and programs that are connected geographically or thematically where audiences can expect to find various arts and culture-themed activities and experiences.

Metro Vancouver Municipalities and Population Map. Image courtesy of
Metro Vancouver Municipalities and Population Map. Image courtesy of

To qualify for the Judy Robertson Community Engagement Award, each applicant must:

  • Be an artist, creative, collective, community group, or arts and cultural organization based in Metro Vancouver.
  • Register a minimum of 3 activities/events for Culture Days 2023.
  • Be partnered with a minimum of 3 artists and/or arts and cultural groups/organizations or businesses.

The selected proposal will be determined through a review by a diverse jury panel of arts and culture professionals from across Metro Vancouver in May. The successful applicant will be notified in June with registration of the hubs and its associated events confirmed by July 31. Culture Days 2023 takes place from September 22 - October 15, 2023. Please note that the proposed hub does not have to run for the entire duration of Culture Days.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Creativity and innovation of the proposed hub activities.

2. Cross-collaboration efforts between artists and organizations involved with each hub.

3. Facilitation of intercultural interaction and promotion of intercultural understanding.

4. Diversity and inclusiveness of programming, such as representation from racialized, Deaf, disabled, 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities, and/or immigrant artists.

Why create a hub?

Creating a Culture Days hub is a great strategy to increase awareness, attendance, and participation while:

  • Forming new partnerships with other community organizers.
  • Optimizing how you showcase the varied arts and cultural activity in your area.
  • Developing networking opportunities and strengthening long-term partnerships with fellow arts and culture organizations, artists, community members, and advocates.
  • Increasing the likelihood of attracting additional media coverage, VIP guests, and cultural influencers.

How to apply?

Please submit applications by no later than May 1, 2023, 11:59PM PST.

To apply, please complete the Google Form application. If you have trouble accessing the Google Form, please email [email protected] for proposal instructions.

Have questions or need more info?

If you have questions or need additional support, please contact program director Nazanin Shoja at [email protected].